Or - "Lord of the Blogs"
Or - "Wow, That's Original"
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Just in case any of you guys are interested...
I got my GCSE results today!
English Language = A English Literature = B Mathematics = B Science (Dual) = C Music = A German = A (!!!!!) Drama = B Graphics = B RE = B ICT (Short Course) = B
I didn't think that they would be able to find a suitable replacement to Rose Tyler, but this new girl is okay.
She's very different, which is good, as it makes a refreshing change.
But I always approach each new companion with a tinge of bitterness because I feel that I ought to be the Doctor's new assistant. I have all the necessary features - an interest in space, super-intelligence, amazing good looks. I'm the perfect candidate.
Alas, the TARDIS has never landed in my garden. The Doctor hasn't had to destroy any large threatening aliens roaming around my town. We have never met, so he has had no oppotunity to whisk me away to another galaxy as his trusty companion.
Right, what have I been doing whilst I haven't been posting. Well, I tried to get my head round Eastenders. And failed. I only recognised one person in it, and that's because he was in the video for 'Parklife'. So I gave up with that.
Then I tried to watch Hollyoaks. That was even worse. That programme is far too complex for a simple hobbit like me. So I gave up with that, too.
Then the telly broke. I blame Eastenders and Hollyoaks.
We were without said telly for a long time. So, we had to make our own entertainment. Like hand puppets. And Charades.
We all lost the will to live after two days.
Then something brilliant happened.
I got a DAB radio.
All our problems were solved by the power of BBC 6Music. We sat around it on Friday nights listening to Bob Dylan's Theme Hour. This week's theme was dogs. I like dogs.
After the radio came into our lives, we thought that we would never need a television again! But this Tuesday, the telly returned. It was only when it came back when we realised how much we had missed it. I gave it a hug and my hair went static.
We have now made a family agreement never to watch Eastenders or Holloaks again in case the telly dies. Again. I think we'll manage.
Orson. Why did they win? Why were they even nominated? So many questions...
Biggest Loser
Poor Lily Allen. Her father spent more time on the stage than she did
Most Nervous Person
Ricky Wilson, presenting 'Best International Female'. Must have Nelly Potato-phobia
Most Humourous Speech
I don't even like the Arctic Monkeys, but their outfits were stupendous
The 'Well, We All Hoped They Would Win But Deep Down Knew They Wouldn't' Award
Guillemots up for 'Best Live Act'. Yes, Muse are fantastic, yes, I adore them, yes, I did once see Matt Bellamy on a boat, but Guillemots are so nice and new and shiny and brilliant I really wanted them to win.
The 'I Like You More Than I Did The First Time Around!' Award
Take That. I bet you're kicking yourself now, Robbie
The 'Where Did That Accent Come From?' Award
Joss Stone, Devon's favourite American
The 'Molyan, Stop Yelling At The Telly' Award
When Justin Timberlake won 'Best International Male'. And Beck, and DYLAN, didn't
I apologise for my lengthy absence, but I am back now! I cannot tell you where I was, only that it involved a flamingo, some candy floss and a postbox.
Though now I am back, I don't really know what to say.
Molyan's Analysis of Scary Santas and Christmas Music
Very disturbing.
It's no wonder that kids are so afraid of Santa these days, really. Look at him!
I do love Christmas though. It's one of my favourite times of year. It's the time when you are allowed to wear funny hats in public. It's the time when you can put a TREE in your HOUSE! What a novelty! It's even the time when it's almost acceptable to go around singing Slade.
Note: almost acceptable.
Everyone seems to go crazy at Christmas. People fight in Tesco over the last trolley. Bands release Greatest Hits. Even when they've only ever done two decent albums. Not that I'm mentioning any names, Oasis.
And of course, there's the legendary Christmas number one. Who will it be this year? The winner of X Factor 2006, Leona Lewis? Or will it be Leona Lewis? Could it possibly even be Leona Lewis? Maybe.
I found a list of all the Christmas number ones. There's some good stuff there! Beatles, Pink Floyd, AND Girls Aloud. And of course, Cliff Richard, with the bizarre Mistletoe and Wine. Ever seen the video? It's a real treat.
I have never seen anyone else dance like that. It's the insane swingy dance! Hooray!
Although nothing quite beats the top quality acting in Wham's Last Christmas.
You can really feel the bitterness.
There was a poll on XFM the other morning to see what the best Christmas song of all time is. The winner was Fairy Tale of New York by Kirsty MacColl (god bless her) and The Pogues. The song is probably the only time in his life when Shane Macgowan has been called 'handsome'. I do like that song very much, but I think my favourite is either Wizzard, The Wombles or The Flaming Lips.
But I really couldn't say.
No-one makes any proper Christmas records any more. The Killers are releasing a single, but that's a DOWNLOAD. Boo :( And it's not being released until Christmas Day.
So it's all down to the Crazy Frog.
Well, a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year! Let's hope it's a good one, without any Yoko Ono.